Split recruiting network

Stop chasing clients. Join our network and get $3M in split recruiting contracts

Join Split Network and get US/Canada based split recruiting contracts immediately – no clients or sales needed. Over 200 contracts worth more than $3,000,000 await you.
Explore all recruiting contracts for free

Trusted by 100+ recruiters
why join

Focus on finding candidates, leave the rest to us

Stop spending time and money finding clients
Get recruiting contracts directly from Split Network
Keep 100% of what you earn – no platform or hidden fee
the most exclusive splits network

Why Split Network is the most exclusive recruiting network

Exclusivity is our core value. So much so that we're willing to leave money on the table to ensure every recruiter can maxmize their income.

No job order can have more than 2 recruiters

When too many recruiters are sourcing for the same job, the probability of placing candidates goes down for each recruiter.

No recruiter can take on more than 4 job orders

This is to avoid scenarios where one big agency comes in and requests to source for 100 job orders.

Only 100 recruiters allowed at a time

Even though we make money from the membership fee, allowing too many people to become members reduces the value we can provide to each recruiter

Loved by recruiters globally

As a recruiter transitioning from finance to healthcare, I struggled to find contracts that would allow me to gain traction. Split Network made the impossible possible by giving me access to ready to go contracts and the confidence to focus on sourcing the right candidates. It’s a game-changer for anyone looking to do splits!

Mo Kahn

Solo Recruiter

I had no prior experience in recruiting but wanted to start my own business. Split Network provided the perfect launchpad with its contracts. The process was simple: I selected jobs that matched my skills, got my requests approve and started sourcing candidates. I’m now building a solid reputation in the industry thanks to this incredible platform

Rob Perez

Apricot Recruiting

Operating from India, I faced challenges entering the U.S. recruiting market, especially with time zones and limited local connections. Split Network solved this by providing instant access to U.S.-based contracts, allowing me to focus on delivering results without worrying about client acquisition. The platform’s global reach has truly leveled the playing field for independent recruiters like me

Neil Jain


As a recruiter based in Nigeria, I struggled to access high-paying recruiting contracts in the U.S. due to credibility and trust barriers. Split Network completely transformed my business by connecting me directly to reputable contracts in the American market. This allowed me to bypass the challenges of client acquisition and focus on sourcing top-tier talent. Today, I’m placing candidates in companies from halfway across the globe

J. Adabaiyou

Freelance Recruiter

Cold-calling and pitching clients used to take up all my time as a recruiter, and I hated it. With Split Network, I don’t have to worry about finding clients. Instead, I can dedicate my energy to what I love—finding great candidates. The platform is intuitive, and the support team is fantastic. It’s been a stress-free experience from day one

Joanne M.

Agency Recruiter

Split Network takes the guesswork out of recruiting. The subscription fee is nothing compared to the opportunities it provides. If you’re serious about making money as a recruiter, this is the platform to be on

Derek P

Staffing & Recruiting Solutions
How it works

The complete process

Explore all recruiting contracts
Select roles you can find candidates for
Submit candidates directly to us
Get paid when your candidate is hired

Get instant access to $3,000,000+ in split recruiting contracts

You can explore all recruiting contracts for free. You only need to become a paid member, to start sourcing candidates for a particular job order.

Charged Monthly, Cancel Anytime



Get access to all contracts immediately after they're posted


Frequently Asked Questions

How are payments handled?
What are the payment terms and guarantees?
How can I be sure that I'll be paid when my candidate gets hired
How do I know if I'm too late to the party with a job order?
Where do these split recruiting contracts come from?
Can I cancel anytime?
If I become a paid member and want to cancel, can I get a refund?